
Medium well
Medium well

medium well

  • Effective reservoir permeability, skin factor, etc.
  • Production rates and production problems such sand, emulsions, etc.
  • Nature of the reservoir fluids produced.
  • Initial reservoir pressure and temperature.
  • The objectives of a Drill Stem Test are to determine the following main parameters: These tests are very short and use Bottom Hole Assembly which allows the string to be close an open at bottom hole. In exploration wells, when drilling, or after the well is completely drilled, it’s possible to carry out with a temporary test string a preliminary test called “Drill Stem Test”. The main production tests carried out from the drilling phase and during the producing life are: Production Test can be conducted on an oil&gas well and can be differentiated according to:
  • Solid debris, if the productive interval is opened by guns.
  • medium well

    Frac fluids, spent acid or other special cushions subsequent to a stimulation.Completion fluid and/or some packer fluid under the packer.The purpose of purging is to clean the well, that is to let out, through the flow, all the fluids and foreign solids that are in the well at the end of the completion: It is the preliminary flow operation before the well production test. interference or correlation of producing layers among wells.efficiency of the stimulation performed in the well.characteristics of the fluids producing formation.nature and the amount of the fluids produced.Measurement of hydrocarbons production parameters in a specific period of time, to analyse the output signal of a well when an input signal has been applied.Measurement, under controlled conditions, of all parameters relating to the production of oil, gas and water from a well to provide complete and accurate data of the reservoir performance.

    Medium well